Learn more about the courses I offer
Course Catalog
Anti-Presentation Skills
This course focuses on the importance of sharing your rationale when presenting to others: how to sell your work and explain your thoughts effectively to any and everyone.
Be Branded
Are you making the right impression on others? Focusing on personal brand clarity and consistency across four areas, participants build skills that will help them stand out from a crowd and improve their professionalism.
Call Me Maybe
Meet the unique challenges of remote presentations and enhance audience engagement. This course includes two practice phone presentations and valuable feedback from peers.
Delegating Effectively
Effective delegation requires that you assign duties, grant authority, and create responsibility for completing the project. This course overcomes barriers to delegation and teaches a five-step process for effectively getting work done through someone else.
Designing Winning Zoom Presentations
This course looks at how to structure your presentation for the unique challenges of presenting remotely. Participants learn best practices for designing and enhancing engagement.
Driving Engagement
Employee engagement requires a mix of factors, but two of them – motivation and recognition – are the most critical. This course looks at what it takes to stoke employee motivation, and how to go about recognizing employees regularly and creatively.
Embracing Change
The ability to adapt to change is a critical skill. This course gives you tools, techniques, and tips for managing change, and explores the six major ways people naturally resist the changes they face.
Emotional Intelligence
This course shares techniques you can use to monitor and regulate your own emotions, using them to guide your decision-making (instead of taking it over). It improves teamwork, group dynamics, and ultimately increases performance and leadership.
Expert Emails
Writing effective emails can make all the difference in today’s electronic world. This course covers email clarity, organization, diplomacy, professionalism, message format, tone, editing, and proofreading techniques.
Fearless Presentations
This course organizes your ideas and helps communicate key points quickly, easily, and fearlessly. It uses five major organizing strategies and shares tips for using voices and bodies effectively. It includes practice presentations and valuable peer feedback.
Giving Creative Feedback
This course lays the groundwork for effective relationships with creative partners and encourages participants to focus on powerful feedback instead of subjective direction.
Goal Setting that Works
Setting goals is key to achieving results. In this course set SMART goals, create action plans, and get more of what you want out of work and life.
Having Difficult Conversations
This course offers a five-step process to keep tense conversations from plunging off the deep end. You’ll practice delivering tough information, and feel more confident in your ability to address problems.
Improv for Presenters
Improvisation isn't just for fun -- it's actually an art form that can profoundly change you. This course will help make you a better listener, team player, and thinker.
Influential Leadership
Effective leaders get their good ideas heard, accepted, and enacted, whether they have direct reports or not. Participants overcome barriers to influence, improve their persuasion skills, and implement key influencing strategies to gain the commitment of even the most skeptical coworkers and partners.
It Takes All Types
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality model that explains how and why people understand and approach the world in such different ways. This information can be a powerful tool in selling your work, communicating with your clients, or building relationships with your teammates.
Leading Others
This course explores the differences between leading and managing, and identifies essential qualities for successful managers. It introduces four key leadership practices: Innovating, Inspiring, Enabling Others to Act, and Modeling the Way.
Listening with Intent
This course goes beyond active listening to examine three different levels of listening, and what it takes to keep yourself engaged in the conversation instead of preparing your rebuttal. Participants remove the filters that get in the way of good listening and practice listening at deeper levels.
Making Meetings Work
This course looks at how to prepare for, participate in, and follow through with meetings, sharing tips and tricks to make you more successful.
Manage Like a Boss
There are a lot of things managers are expected to do in addition to their workload. This course gives you a better sense of your responsibilities as a manager, and key actions you can take to make your team stronger and your leadership more effective.
Managing Stress
In this course, you learn two powerful techniques borrowed from Positive Psychology to alter, avoid, or accept stress-inducing situations. In addition, we’ll share a variety of on-the-spot stress-relief techniques.
Managing Up
This course encourages you to flex your own style to match your manager's. It teaches you to get what you need from your manager, communicating those needs in the way your manager is most likely to understand.
Powerful Feedback
Well-delivered feedback can build and maintain professional relationships, manage performance, and motivate others. This course introduces a feedback template that includes the STAR Model, which focuses on objectively describing behavior to bring about lasting change. It also touches on the importance of modeling how to receive feedback well.
Retaining Talent
This course helps leaders understand their critical role in retaining top talent. They learn to identify what it takes to keep employees happy and satisfied, and how to conduct "quick check" discussions critical for retaining valuable employees.
Saying "No"
(Without Being a Jerk)
Saying “no” in the client service industry is a valuable skill that doesn’t always come naturally. This course looks at ways you can increase your trust and impact with your client, push back respectfully on unwarranted demands, and listen for ways to provide additional solutions to your clients.
The ability to tell a good story is crucial in today’s world, where attention spans are shrinking and people are so easily distracted. This course looks at the five key structures in a good story and gets participants to practice telling stories in a structured yet creative way that can be applied to a wide variety of situations.
Strategic Decision Making
To make better decisions, we must avoid the most common decision-making traps. Being aware of these traps helps, but won't guarantee that we'll avoid them. The five-step process taught in this class can help us widen our perspectives to make better, bolder decisions.
Time Management:
Getting & Staying Organized
Disorganization is a major cause of lost employee time, re-work, and lack of accountability. This course helps overcome those challenges by streamlining paper and digital filing, using your physical space creatively, and building quality, prioritized to-do lists.
Time Management:
Interruptions & Multitasking
Are your unconscious habits or endless emails getting in your way? In this course, you'll learn to increase productivity while decreasing stress. Focused on handling interruptions and working in a focused way, this course improves your efficiency and keeps you moving forward.
Time Management: Perfectionism & Procrastination
Perfectionism and procrastination are the two mental killers of efficiency. Learn tools for managing perfectionism and creating work that meets or exceeds standards without killing you in the process. Identify ways to motivate yourself and overcome three main reasons for procrastination. Taking this course will help set you back on track!
Understanding Your Conflict Style
Anytime we want something other than what someone else wants, there’s conflict. How we handle that conflict, however, is what solves or extends the problem. In this course, participants learn and understand the five major conflict-handling modes, as well as their own approaches to conflict and how to work with the conflict styles of others.
Useful 360° Feedback
360° feedback is a powerful gift we give our peers, but if it’s not well written, it doesn’t help. This course helps you identify what's worthy of feedback, and gives you tools for writing a 360° report that can help your peers achieve greater success.
Visionary Leadership
Leadership guru Stephen Covey once said, “Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall." This course looks at the difference between leadership and management, and the leader’s role in creating a vision for the team that inspires them to greater performance.
What to Expect
When You're Directing
When your people don’t know what you expect from them, how can they ever meet your expectations? This course looks at what managers need to do to make it clear to their direct reports what their role requires, and how well it should be done.
Why Don't You Just Trust Me?
This course reveals your four trust cores, and what you can do to build them, as well as thirteen different behaviors you can practice to build more trust with others. There are no trust falls or ropes courses in this session -- just practical advice on how to repair broken trust and overcome others’ suspicions.